
about me.

Hey everyone! I am Anubhab. I am 18 years old.

Living with passion is what I strictly adhere to. “Always do what you love” how much ever hackneyed this sounds it holds absolutely true. I have been to many places. Not for the sole reason of “loving” to travel but it helps me to get rid of the world and escape into a different dimension of my own. As I am a travel freak, I love freezing the moments I relish. The art of capturing photos is something I am always fascinated by.

I am a continuous learner. Learning for me equates to exploring new ideas and growing as an individual. I just cannot imagine my life devoid of coding. I freely express my creativity and imagination by coding. Nowadays, I'm more geared towards competitive coding, so spending a lot less time on doing any project of my own :(

Feel free to approach me with a coding (mostly Python) related problem/issue, I would be happy to help you out :)